March 9, 2025

Migraines cause severe headaches when compared to a normal headache. It brings a lot of debilitating symptoms, which include dizziness. Understanding the connection between migraines and dizziness is important for people suffering from frequent migraines. Let’s explore how migraines trigger dizziness, the causes and symptoms, and further, get some bonus tips to manage this condition.

What are the symptoms of migraines?

The most common signs and symptoms of migraines include:

  • Visual disturbances. (blind spots, flashing lights, zigzag patterns)
  • Vomiting and nausea.
  • Headache occurs 15 days per month.
  • Sensitivity to light, sound, and smell.
  • Need for a dark, quiet room.

What are the stages of migraines?

Prodrome: This is the first stage, in this stage, migraines can occur for hours or even days. Mood changes, irritability, neck stiffness, increased thirst, and urination are symptoms of migraines.

Aura: This is an optional phase not everyone will face this. If it affects, it will usually occur 20–60 minutes before the headache. It may cause visual disturbance or sensory changes like numbness.

Headache: This is the most intense phase, which gives pulsing pain and often pain on one side of the head. It usually causes vomiting and nausea.

Postdrome: After the headache subsides, most people will experience migraine hangover. This stage can cause conditions like confusion and light sensitivity.

What are the causes of migraines?


Various mechanisms cause dizziness in people suffering from migraines. Some of the causes are

Changes in blood flow: Migraine can dilate blood vessels, which affects the brain’s ability to regulate balance.

Neural dysfunction: This alters the process of the nerve signals, which can interfere with the brain’s control.

Inner ear disturbance: Some types of migraines affect the inner ear and cause pain, which is essential for maintaining balance and leads to dizziness and vertigo.

What is the connection between migraines and dizziness?

Migraines and dizziness have a close link, as some types of migraines directly affect the ear and brain, which are the main sources of balance. Disruption in blood flow causes dizziness during migraines. This dizziness may manifest a sensation of spinning or feeling off-balance. Visit a migraine specialist in Coimbatore if you face frequent headaches. In many kinds of migraines, vestibular is a type that causes intense dizziness, and sometimes it happens without a headache.

When should we be concerned about migraines related to dizziness?

Dizziness is usual in migraines, but sometimes medical attention is important for some warning signs. We should be concerned when dizziness occurs without a headache. If there is dizziness with confusion, slurred speech, weakness, or vision loss could be a sign of a stroke. When it affects daily activities, lasting for hours or worsening more, needs medical evaluation.

What triggers the migraine-related dizziness?

Stress and anxiety: Emotional stress causes dizziness and can trigger migraines.

Dehydration: When there is a lack of water content, it may cause migraine symptoms to be more severe.

Caffeine and alcohol: This will affect blood flow and increase the dizziness.

Sleep disturbances: Lack of sleep quality can trigger dizziness.

Food Triggers: Foods that are made with artificial sweeteners, processed meats, and aged cheeses can trigger dizziness.

Are there any natural remedies to cure migraines? 

There are some natural remedies to solve migraines, but natural remedies are not guaranteed sometimes if the migraines are in severe condition. The initial stage can be cured by natural remedies. Ginger will greatly help individuals whose migraines are in the initial stage. The headache intensity can be reduced by lavender oil. Before trying new remedies, consulting a doctor is important.

How long does the dizziness last after migraines?

The duration of dizziness completely depends on the characteristics of migraines. It may vary from person to person and depend on the type of migraine and its severity. For most people, it lasts from a few minutes to several hours. In some people, dizziness may be part of postdrome, which occurs after the main headache.

Do migraines cause permanent balance issues?

It does not cause permanent balance issues, but severe or frequent migraine attacks involving vestibular migraines can lead to balance issues. These balance disturbances, such as dizziness or vertigo, are usually temporary and will resolve once the migraine is over. But if the migraine is untreated or frequent, it will affect the inner ear or brain’s balance centers.

In some cases, chronic migraines may lead to a condition called chronic vestibular migraine. In this condition, extreme dizziness and imbalance are more consistent and can last for weeks or months. Notably, it does not cause permanent damage. Early intervention can reduce the impact of balance issues.

Can lifestyle changes reduce dizziness caused by migraines?

Yes, there will be changes in the intensity of dizziness that is caused by migraines. Maintaining a good and consistent sleep schedule is important to reduce dizziness. We need to reduce stress with the help of stress management techniques like yoga, meditation, and regular exercise, which help reduce dizziness and improve overall health. A balanced diet is important. Add foods that are rich in magnesium and vitamins. And visit the best neuro hospital in Coimbatore to get the desired outcomes. These are the lifestyle changes that help reduce dizziness.


Identifying the causes and symptoms in advance can reduce the intensity of dizziness and other severe symptoms. To avoid dizziness and to improve overall health, making lifestyle changes like following a healthy diet and regular physical activities is very important. Following these strategies can give you relief from dizziness. Taking advanced treatment with ongoing research and medical advancement can cure your frequent migraines.