Researchers have found that cannabidiol is a safe, effective treatment for many forms of anxiety. If you remain skeptical as to whether Friendly-budget CBD oil for anxiety can help with anxiety disorder spasms, panic disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorders, post-traumatic stress disorders (PTSD), and more then we encourage you to read on.
CBD Oil For Anxiety: What You Should Know
The human brain is an incredibly complicated organ made up of around 100 billion neurons that are wired to one another in complex circuits. These circuits create our thoughts and perceptions which control our feelings and behavior. Recent studies have found that there are clusters of neurons in the brain associated with anxiety and depression. In particular, they have found that similar clusters are also present, but not in the same numbers, with psychotic disorders like schizophrenia. [1] The medical community has long known that those suffering from anxiety and depression have a higher than average incidence of psychotic disorders. Thus it would make sense that there is a link between the two and that they may share a common source of origin.
In order to understand what goes on when someone experiences anxiety and why this can be so debilitating then you must first understand how the brain works. For example, when you experience anxiety because of something frightening in your environment like seeing a bear in the wild or contemplating driving home after dark then you are likely making an association between these events and your thoughts about them.
Most of the time your brain is operating without any problems at all. But there are certain circumstances when it can get stuck in a loop, an infinite feedback loop that creates a negative association between what you are thinking and how you will react emotionally to them. This can be especially debilitating when life throws you curveballs that you don’t expect like losing your job or failing an important exam.
In order to understand how this happens then you must first understand how the brain breaks down complex experiences into smaller components so that we can process them. In order to do this it uses three techniques: abstraction, evaluation and partitioning. Abstracting is the process of breaking a complex experience into smaller parts such as visual images, thoughts, feelings and particular sounds. Evaluation is the process of comparing these parts to one another to better understand their relationship and value. Then partitioning allows the brain to break down the various components and reorder them in new combinations that fit how we want to feel.
Even though these separate processes act independently of one another they are also interconnected. In other words, when one occurs naturally then it can prompt another action which will also promote a positive result.