March 10, 2025

Though most of us suffer from pain in the feet occasionally, however, this condition may become quite painful and intolerable when it is experienced in the heels of the feet and that too on a constant basis. Medically, this condition is referred to as plantar fasciitis and is accompanied by numbers of other symptom as well. Under this condition, there is the pain in the bottom of the heels. The ligaments known as plantar fascia get damaged under this condition due to excessive pressure on them. Also, there is inflammation and stiffness in the affected region. Here are some important points to know about this condition related to the feet.

What is the cause of pain?

Generally, people who are obese or overweight are at higher risk of suffering from plantar fasciitis. It is due to an increase in pressure on the plantar fascia ligaments. That is why, pregnant women, long distance runners, people who have to stand or walk for long time due to any reasons are more prone to suffer from this condition. Also people who have certain structural problems in their feet may suffer from this problem.

What are the common symptoms?

Well, the most common symptoms of this condition are pain and stiffness on the bottom of the heel. The pain is usually in the midfoot area. The pain aggravates with passage of time. The pain is worst in the morning or when someone is in a sitting or resting position for a long time. The inflammation and pain may aggravate due to prolonged activity due to an exertion of pressure on the affected area.

How is it diagnosed?

This condition is usually diagnosed through physical examination of the feet. The healthcare experts check the feet of the patients for tenderness, redness, swelling, strength, coordination, balance etc. Also Xray maybe performed, if necessary. It is required to check and confirm any fractures in the bones of the feet.

How is it treated?

There are multiple treatment options for management of plantar fasciitis. Generally, natural treatment options are advised for management of this condition. For this, patients are advised to take appropriate rest so that any unnecessary pressure on the affected area of the foot may be reduced. Also some exercises such as stretching help in improving blood flow to the affected area. Likewise, massaging the feet and using shoe inserts or supports also help to a great extent in relieving pain.

Knowing all these important points about the pain caused in the bottom of the heels of the feet, you may opt for best treatment options for the same and say no to pain.