March 3, 2025
Certain health advantages of turmeric and turmeric supplements

You’ve never heard of turmeric? Even while you might not have a jar of the spice in your kitchen, chances are you are already familiar with it. It is the source of the brilliant coloration of mustard and curry. Numerous ingredients in turmeric may benefit your health. Scientists are excited by curcumin’s potential to lessen depression and increase the effectiveness of antidepressants. But so far, research results have proven contradictory. Turmeric is a fantastic complement to recipes that need a golden tint and also has anti-inflammatory qualities that are good for your health. Best brand of turmeric supplements are likewise accessible on the market. 

Turmeric Could Be a Beneficial Supplement for Aging

The ability of turmeric and curcumin to combat inflammation, shield your body from free radicals, and maybe postpone brain deterioration and other age-related disorders makes them prospective anti-aging supplements, even if there is currently no proof that they directly affect longevity. Although certain unfavorable side effects (diarrhea, headaches, and rashes) have been recorded at doses ranging from 500 to 12,000 mg, studies also indicate that turmeric and curcumin are generally safe.

Best brand of turmeric supplements

Combats and prevents diabetes type 2

Curcumin may be helpful in the prevention or treatment of type 2 diabetes because it can help fight inflammation and maintain stable blood sugar levels. It was found that taking a curcumin supplement for nine months decreased the risk that 240 prediabetic participants would develop diabetes. There is still plenty to learn, but much of the research to date has focused on animals rather than humans.

Combats depression

When you experience depression, your brain’s production of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a protein that aids in learning and memory, is decreased, and your hippocampus begins to shrink. According to a study, curcumin can raise BDNF levels and perhaps undo alterations.

Combats irritable bowel syndrome

Early research suggests that turmeric may help reduce IBS symptoms including stomach pain, including a pilot study involving 207 individuals and another using mice. Just with many of the issues we’ve already covered, more research is necessary.

It seems that incorporating turmeric in your diet has health benefits. The golden spice can help with digestion, pain relief, and immune health, among other things. However, some people might decide against taking turmeric due to some of its negative effects. When choosing if you should try turmeric, it’s crucial to proceed with caution. Before using turmeric to address any health condition you have, as with any alternative medicine, see your doctor.